Image control

Picture placeholder controls can be inserted by pressing the Image tool. The image box can be freely resized and moved, within the bounds of the current dialog box.

Using the Image property you can embed a variety of image types (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, ico, .wmf, .emf). When you select an image using the file selector the image is then incorporated as an integral (and visible) part of your dialog box. i.e. the original file will not be required in order for the dialog box to display it at run time.

The Imagepath property enables a literal file path name (e.g. C:\myfiles\pic.bmp) to be entered. The run time will then attempt to load and display the named image file within the specified picture box. The file types supported are .bmp, .jpg, .gif, ico, .wmf, .emf.

The DrawMode property can be used to set the image as Clipped, which will place the picture at the top left of the picture box, without changing the size or ratio of the current bitmap. i.e. it will display 'as is'. Selecting Stretched will cause the bitmap to be fitted to suit the picture box size, by shrinking and/or stretching as needed.

For help on other properties see the complete alphabetic list of the Properties of Dialog Controls.